International Implementation Agency for the Project Preparation Facility Ukraine 2025 – 2029 (with option for a second phase) im Beschaffungswesen
Rebuilding the damaged and modernising the outdated infrastructure, restore the damaged infrastructure, improve it as part of an environmentally friendly and sustainable reconstruction programme.
Preparation of infrastructure projects must be well aligned with national and local priorities.
The overall objective of the Project Preparation Facility (PPF) is that the Ukrainian population benefits from improved or re-established public services.
The Project Preparation Facility (PPF) seeks to enable infrastructure projects in Ukraine through the inclusion of Swiss expertise by supporting project preparation, implementation of quick-win measures, co-financing of projects and strengthening of business networks.
The mandate of the Implementing Agency to be hired by SECO will support the following PPF components:
Component 1: Project preparation and quick-win measures
This component’s objective is to contribute to preparing quality infrastructure projects by financing and conducting preparatory studies. These may be 1) feasibility studies; 2) further studies accompanying feasibility studies, e.g., to increase quality of project preparation by including quality infrastructure standards, or by raising environmental, social or governance standards; or 3) other preparatory studies, such as master plans, pre-feasibility studies or expert assessments. The Facility is structured to respond to three main origins of infrastructure projects: 1. Projects proposed by Ukrainian municipalities or regional governments; 2. Projects initiated by international financing institutions (IFIs) or by 3. The Swiss private and public sector actors. Sectors of intervention will be defined in accordance with Ukrainian priorities, alignment with Swiss Cooperation’s country program priorities in Ukraine and Swiss expertise (see chapter 4 for potential sectors). Furthermore, this component will contain a fund for small quick win measures that may be related to supply of goods or services or small-scale piloting of promising approaches.
Component 2: Co-financing of investment measures
This component seeks to enable promising infrastructure projects by addressing their financial viability gap. Potential financiers of such projects are IFIs, the Swiss private sector, Ukrainian municipalities or other international financing sources. Selection of projects will be based on their relevance for Ukraine and Swiss interests. Responsibility for the implementation of the projects will rest on the main-financier.
Component 3: Swiss-Ukraine business networks
This component strengthens Swiss-Ukrainian business networks to enable the Swiss private sector to access the Ukrainian market and to promote partnerships, knowledge exchange and long-term engagement.
The PPF will initially run for five years with an optional second phase of another five years. The overall budget for the first phase amounts to CHF 21 million. Out of which approximately CHF 7 million are foreseen for the basic mandate of the implementation agency, which will consist of a budget to manage the facility (approx. CHF 3 million) as well as a short-term expert pool to conduct project preparation studies (approx. CHF 4 million). An additional purchase budget to be managed by the implementation agency is foreseen in order to finance the implementation of quick-wins (component 1) and further project preparatory studies, co-finance the implementation of projects (component 2) and to foster business networks (component 3). The PPF is designed to be flexible and scalable and may be equipped with additional funds in the future, depending on its effectiveness and available resources.
Holzikofenweg 36
3003 Bern
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